Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Happy Anniversary...What a Ride!

                                     Wedding Day: March 24, 2007
Wow, it's hard to believe that three years ago today I married the man of my dreams and love of my life. I certainly can't speak for the masses here, but what a wonderful time we had at our wedding! A beautiful church, a phenomenal wedding party of our closest friends, and a congregation full of our loving parents, grandparents, and other family members that went to great lengths to join us for the celebration. And by "family members" I am referring to every single person that was in attendance that unforgettable night. That's exactly what it was all about....bringing our family together and sharing the night with all of our loved ones. I probably shouldn't mention the air conditioner going out and the cheese trays melting from the heat, or the surprise (and shiny) uniforms the catering crews showed up in, or even the fact that the DJ kept mispronouncing our name all night, but that's all a fabulous part of why it was so unforgettable for us and why we should have known from that moment on that we'd be in for an exciting adventure! Besides that, Will's homemade gumbo more than made up for any minor distractions in my opinion, and to have him by my side and for us to be surrounded by our fabulous family are the real reasons I cherish that night as a night I'll never forget. And looking back on it three years, two moves, and one opportunity of a lifetime later, I can recall in very vivid detail just how much fun I had and hope that everyone else had to! I recall every step of my darlin' daddy walking me down the aisle, I recall Will and me laughing (very respectively, mind you) through the vows, I recall people's faces and conversations and dance moves (for better or worse), I recall the sweat dripping from my face from the whole unfortunate AC thing, and I recall Will taking his hand in mine, and I cherish every single minute of it. We can't wait to go out and celebrate our 3 years together tonight and to reminisce about what all has happened since March 24, 2007. I'm pretty sure that moving to Malaysia pretty much trumps everything else, but there are countless of other amazing moments and memories and lessons and laughing fits that we'll have a good time recalling tonight. I'm sure a lot of those memories will contain stories about you, whoever "you" are that might be reading this right now, because whether you were at the wedding or not, there's a reason you're reading this blog....there's a reason you're following our lives.....and there's a reason you are so very much a part of ours and why we love you so very much. Yes, three years ago I married the man of my dreams and love of my life. And in just three little years he's already given me a better life I ever dreamed of having. Tonight we're celebrating our first 3 years in Malaysia....who knows where we'll be celebrating the next 3! I love you, Will.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Sneak Peak

           Here is a look at the front porch with fountain at the far end.

Great news, everyone - after weeks and weeks of house hunting here and looking at everything from high rises to low rises and everything in between, we have finally found a place to call "Home." However, we've been notified, again, that our shipment has been delayed, again, and won't be arriving now until April 3rd(ish). In the meantime we're just waiting it out at the temporary apartment still and counting down the days until our stuff arrives so we can officially get moved in to our charming new (old) bungalow. The place is absolutely perfect for us - we'll have more bedrooms and bathrooms than we'll ever know what to do with, but that just means more room for visitors (hint, hint). We chose the house based primarily on the fact that it has a great fenced in yard for Boo, a great detached library for Will, and it's just a short walk to the expat grocery store for me. Oh, and it just so happens to be conveniently located a couple doors down from the best margarita joint in town. Location, location, location!

...and We're Back!

Hello loyal followers.....all one or two of you out there that check the site on a regular basis to see what exactly we are up to over here on this side of the world. I apologize for not keeping this updated as often as I promised myself (and many, many others) that I would. I don't really have any excuse for taking a blog break so early on in the game except to say maybe that the loss of Gus might have knocked the writing wind out of me for a while. But Will and I are very much still alive and well in Malaysia and making the most of this experience as we possibly can. In fact, several weeks ago we took a day trip down to Melacca with some friends of ours to enjoy a smaller, simpler city here in Malaysia. Perhaps it just seemed simpler because it happen to fall on the widely celebrated Chinese New Year holiday and everything in town was closed, but it was a nice getaway nonetheless.
               Day trip to Melacca with friends Courtney and JJ