Saturday, May 30, 2015


4-Year Nap
Ok, so I took a little nap here and am slowly awaking from a long, deep cyber sleep of sorts. It's certainly not anything I planned to do, and I certainly can't believe it's been over 4 years since my last post, but sometimes a "blogger" just gets a little sleepy, er, lazy, and needs a good snooze to help feel all write once again. And much like a bear coming out of his cave after his long winter repose, I too am feeling quite refreshed from my sudden cybernation.

Sooooo, picking up right where we left off...well not literally right where we left off, for we were still living in Malaysia when we left off, and a lot has happened since then. A lot. Mostly just adding a few more stamps to our passports with trips to Spain, London, and back to Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Australia, and Singapore. And coming back home for sweet Mamie's funeral and buying a house in Ft. Worth. Oh, and there was the whole having a baby thing, Will taking a job in Dubai, us moving back home, Will leaving his job in Dubai, and well, I guess that brings us up to speed once again, right where we "left off."

So here we are, it's May 2015 and somehow we have an 18-month old daughter. A beautiful, funny, smart, clever, dog-loving, ball-throwing, high-fiving, light of our lives little baby girl named Lili. I know, I know, she will have to constantly correct people her entire life on the spelling of her name. Lili with a y? Lili with an ie? Lili with two ll's? None of the above. Just Lili. It's my fault. There's a restaurant (a "bistro" really) not far from our house that we've always loved for lunch dates. The name of the res, er, bistro, is Lili's, and the sign outside the building spells out Lili's in beautiful, dainty, delicate script. We didn't necessarily name Lili after the restaurant, that part was just because we both happened to like the name Lili, but the spelling of it was because of the sign. It's a sign you look at it and just instantly want to write it down yourself, as delicate and daintily as they did. And quite honestly, I thought that I'd instantly have perfect penmanship when I tried to write it out myself. My handwriting is still terrible, she has a name that will forever be misspelled, and that's what we're dealing with here. But her personality can certainly carry the weight of a commonly misspelled name.  More to come on Lili (the girl, not the restaurant) in the days, weeks, months, and years to follow, but for now I'm just trying to ease back into this blogging world once again so bare with me. We are in for a wonderful ride ahead, and I can't wait to share the latest and greatest Lili laughs with, well, myself, the primary reader of this blog. Oh, and of course with Lili should she ever choose to look back on these one day and read about the fun and exciting life she's creating for us on a daily basis. Stay tuned...

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